Friday, 11 September 2015

What Beauty Habit do you do before going to bed?

In my last post I shared random beauty tips, (you should read them) and the above was the first pics in the post, looking at closely now, an idea struck me.....okay, I'm curious, which do you do before going to bed, biko no lies oo, let's see how well you treat your skin and body as a whole.

Me? I do like half, lemme analyze....

1. Removing my makeup is a must, I do that with either my facial cleanser or olive oil.

2. Nope, I don't do toner **side eyes**

3. I don't do hand cream too, I don't even own one.

4. Hian, which one is eye cream sef? lemme goan ask google.

5. I do not apply petroleum jelly to my feet but shea butter is my alternative.

6. Ermm, I brush my teeth sometimes sha **covers face**

7. Because my hair is still in the TWA stage, pinning my hair no concern me.

8. Until I saw this picture and asked google, I didn't know that stuff is called a humidifier (We learn everyday right?)

9. Yes! which naturalista doesn't know that you have to sleep with a satin/silk bonnet, scarf or pillow case 'cos cotton pillow case dries out the moisture in your hair. So, Yes! I do switch to a satin (instead of the silk mentioned in the picture, I think both have almost same texture) pillow case.

10. Yes, Yes, YES!

So, I do 1, 5, 6 sha, 9 and 10, your turn now, which do you do and is there something that you do that wasn't mentioned in the picture? I repeat no lies....let's learn from one another.

I will be waiting for you in the comment box and Oh! TGIF yeah!!! 

Asoebi/Ankara post comes up tomorrow by God's wanna feature? Send me a mail or DM on IG @divapat92.


  1. Thanks for the tips

    1. Hiya!!! you most welcomed and thanks for stopping by.

  2. I remove my makeup, brush my teeth, instead of pin my hair, i use hair net and then have my beauty sleep.

  3. i remove makeup,brush my cream, pin my hair and oh yes i do hand cream a lot.. i like the petroleum jelly tin...

    this is Lagos; shine your eyes

  4. I do 1, 3, 5 and 6. I use hair net instead of pins

  5. I don't do make up so I only brush

    Silk pillow? Pat watn yaself ooo...

    I sleep anyhow, maybe I slept off in parlour anyhow

    Hand cream for wetin? Jelly for legs again? No time abeg!!!

    I will get there tho

    1. hehehehehe, this babe is really something....thanks for making laff with this comment.

  6. The following are my daily ritual :

    I brush my teeth before going to bed

    I make sure my face is clean

    I make sure my hair is wrapped

    Good to gooooooo


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