Friday, 23 October 2015

Celebrity Crush of the Week - Rukky Sanda

Long time no Celebrity Crush of the Week
Hello there! how has your week been? #TGIF, for some reasons unknown to me, I have been anticipating the weekend, I can bet I am not alone on this. hehehe.

Rukky Sanda is a Nollywood Actress, Producer and Writer, the actress always make it a point of duty to showcase her designer wears on IG, find her with her handle @rukkysanda. Now, wearing designer wears is one thing and rocking them just fine is another and the most important thing and I think she's doing amazing well with the way she combines her outfit, her style seems fun, flirty and chic. Check out some of her slay moments after the cut...

What do you think? Which celebrity style are you crushing on at the moment? let me know in the comment section.

Have a beautiful fun filled weekend lovelies.


  1. Nice. She is beautiful, no doubt. She is stylish, no argument.

  2. Her swag has another swag. Lol

  3. she is dope! she is doper!! she is dopest!!!

    i love her style

  4. I love love Rukky's style..
    She doesn't try too hard!!

  5. Chai, this babes dress sense is da truth. Lovely.

  6. Yo!! U rarely post stuffs on ur blog but u ve time to comment on oda blogs... pick a struggle yah!!!! U berra improve.

  7. Oshey! Sexy fine geh SomeboRRy! This woman should not come and goan make someboRRy travel back to the good ol Vaseline days eh! :)

    Wait! just Holl uP! That picShur of her in Green is real?! kai! See Body of a goddess eh! Awalanmanwu : iTrip biko :) **Adjusts Shokoto :) Hiya CatWoman! Whats up Bubba?! how are you Nne?!


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